A threaded base class with a built in mutex for convenience.
Users can extend this base class by public inheritance like this:
class MyThreadedClass: public ofThread { public: /// ... void threadedFunction() { while(isThreadRunning()) { /// Threaded function here. } } };
ofThread is a convenient wrapper for Poco::Thread, Poco::Runnable and Poco::Mutex. It represents a simplified (sometimes overly simplified - or simplified in ways that might not make sense for your project) pathway for quickly writing threaded classes. Poco::Runnable represents a class that can be "run" via its void run() method. Poco::Thread is able to spawn a thread and "run" the contents of a class that extends the Poco::Runnable interface (which ofThread does). Poco::FastMutex, (aka ofMutex) is a "mutual exclusion" object that prevents two threads from accessing the same data at the same time. It is important to know that Poco::FastMutex (aka ofMutex) is not "recursive" while Poco::Mutex is. This means that if the same thread attempts to lock a thread while it ALREADY has a lock on the mutex, the program will lock up and go nowhere. Thus, it is important that ofThread subclasses carefully their use of the mutex. Currently ofThread does not lock its own mutex at any point (e.g. ofThread's internal variables are not thread safe). This is a somewhat dangerous convenience that is (theoretically) supposed to make it easier for subclasses to avoid the recursive mutex "problem". The situation that arises from two threads simultanously reading or writing from the same shared data (shared data occupies the same physical location in memory) leads to something called a "race condition", which can lead to deadlocks. A deadlock is as bad as it sounds. It means your program just stops. ofMutex prevents race conditions, deadlocks and crashes by permitting only one thread access to shared data at a time. When using mutexes to protect data, the trick is to always be sure to unlock the mutex when finished. This problem can often be avoided by using an Poco::FastMutex::ScopedLock (aka ofScopedLock). See the the documentation for more information. Finally, there are many cases where it might make more sense to use Poco::Thread, Poco::Runnable and Poco::FastMutex directly rather than using ofThread. Further, cross platform thread management will be alleviated with the std::thread support library included with C++11.
Uncaught Exceptions throw from within ofThread will cause the thread to stop and the Exception will be delivered to the default ofBaseThreadErrorHandler. The ofBaseThreadErrorHandler will print the exception details, if available. The ofBaseThreadErrorHandler offers no opportunity to take corrective action and only allows the user to receive more valuable debugging information about the uncaught exception. Users should design ofThread subclasses to catch and respond to all anticipated exceptions.